Sunday, January 25, 2009

Think Geek

I am a complete geek in disguise. Whilst cruising the ThinkGeek website I found two of the
coolest gadgets ever. Or at least, that I would want to buy. :]

First of all, a faucet light? Isn't that the coolest idea. Red for hot and blue for cold - ingenius.
Secondly, a portrait of your DNA. It would be very easy to fake, but how would you know if
they did? This is precisely the reason why I need to win lotto - so that I can waste it all on useless
objects like these.

1 comment:

ZuKi said...

Hi Britta! Thank for stoping at my blog and for the compliments;) I'm glad that you like my hairstyle and I'm not against that you took my photo;) I like your blog and hope you will update it frequently( I mean new posts, because I like previous);) as concerns link exchange-ok, with pleasure! I will link you right now!